Wednesday, March 15, 2006

These Are Some Recent and Very Perplexing Questions...

that I have recently had to deal with...Mostly in conversation with my friends, yet there seems to be no "right" answer to any of them as far as we can tell:

1.) If you are a bisexual, isn't dating a transexual really the best of both worlds?

2.) Since Jesus came back from the dead, does that make him a zombie?

3.) Since cats always land on their feet and buttered toast always lands butter side down, if you tie a piece of buttered toast (butter side up) to a cat's back, did you just create an anti-gravity machine?

I said, yes to all. However, many people disagree. My conclusion = They are wrong and I am always right.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That comment aout making an anti-gravity machine using a cat and some toast is really funny :D

5:15 AM  

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