Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Here is my skit from Playwriting:

written by me and my partner in crime, Jana.

(Grocery Store. Lorraine is in the produce section picking out melons. Squeezing them.)
IGOR: Hey, man. Nice melons.
LORRAINE: (shocked) Excuse me?
IGOR: (starring at Lorraine's breasts) I said nice melons. (laughs like a 14 year old boy)
LORRAINE: Oh, well...I...well...(Nervously shifts melons. Melons begin to roll off display) Oh, lord!
IGOR: Let me help you with those. (They begin to pick up melons. Both reaching for the same melon, their hands touch. Eyes meet.) You have beautiful eyes.
LORRAINE: Well aren't you just the cutest little thing.
IGOR: And exquisite breasts...I mean, you're fucking hot, man.
LORRAINE: Is that any way to speak to a lady? (Fluffs hair, sticks out chest.)
IGOR: (Noticing ring on her finger.) If you were my wife I'd never leave you alone.
LORRAINE: If I were your wife we wouldn't live in this town. They don't take too kindly to the Mexicans here.
IGOR: I'm not Mexican, man I'm Serbian.
LORRAINE: Serbian? Well I never heard of Serbia. Is that in Africa?
IGOR: No, I'm from Bosnia.
LORRAINE: Oh, Bosnia, of course. (She has no clue what he's talking about.) That's a nice shirt you got there. I think I have one just like it. That's my Saturday night shirt.
IGOR: You have a fishnet shirt too? You should wear it all the time. I bet you look fucking hot in it. (Changes mind) should never wear clothes, you should be shot in the fucking face for wearing clothes.
LORRAINE: (Stares at him in disbelief. Starts laughing) Well...I...
IGOR: No, I mean, you're just so beautiful. (pause) I'm in a band.
LORRAINE: What kind of music do you play dear? (Flustered, begins putting produce in cart.)
IGOR: (Not taking hint, follws) Yeah, man we have a show tonight. It's industrial rock like Nine Inch Nails but way fucking cooler. You should come.
LORRAINE: What? You play with nails? Like tools? What kind of crazy band plays with tools?
IGOR: No, we are not Nine Inch Nails. That's a different band. We are Superstars of Mass Destruction. I'm about to go to sound check. Want to come with me? We can have a few beers and you can hear me play.
LORRAINE: I guess that sounds alright. My husband has poker night at the house and he don't like me around when the boys are playing poker.
IGOR: Awesome. Do you want to come with me now?
LORRAINE: Yes, honey just let me pay for my melons and we can get better aquainted. (winks)
IGOR: I'd be happy to help you with your melons anytime.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If only it were that easy.

8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

super cute. industrial writing like imaginary heroes but way fucking cooler. you live in atl? me too.
i'm kind of in love with your online persona.

3:42 PM  

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