Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Chicago, chicago...

Is thus far completely unexciting. I have moved here all by my lonesome and have now been hanging out all alone for the last 18 days. It is strange to feel so alone in a place that is so obviously full of people. I contemplated throwing in the towel and moving back to Georgia last night, but decided to try and stick it out till October.

Starting in October I have a volunteer gig teaching kids how to read good and do other stuff good too. Hopefully this will all pan out...Did that sentence just make any sense? Who says, "pan out" anyway? I think maybe old prospectors.

In way cooler news, I am currently writing a new short play called, "Grandpa Got Out Again."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what the fuck Brook?!?!

no warning, no nothing....

one night i decide to be emo and look up all of my ex's and you're nowhere to be found.. why?! cuz you're in fucking Chicago....

what the fuck, man...



i hope things start looking better for you... it's not easy in the city that has more bosnians than the capital of Bosnia...

12:00 AM  

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