Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I Just Came to a very Sudden and Emo Realiztion.

While doing homework and listening to the Postal Service's "Recycled Air". Could I be more Emo? Yes, actually I could go sit under a weeping willow tree and cry silently into my journal and then draw little broken hearts with my tear splatters on the pages. SO THERE!

My realization is this: I don't feel whole unless My heart is breaking. I need to be in pain the way I need oxygen. I don't know why. Maybe it is because I feel guilty for being completely happy, or maybe it's because I never talk about what's really going on, or maybe it's because my doctor gave me an anti-depressant and since I have a panic disorder and not depression anti-depressants make me sad as fuck. I am so emo! JESUS! I want to sit and cry, only I can't cry because I haven't gotten a "B" or a 4/5 on a class assignment in the last 5 days.

My Dad doesn't love me and I have no Mom. Today, I told a friend that I was going to write a book about my life and call it, "Sob-Story #151: BOO-FUCKIN-HOO". Fucking Prozac.I hate shrinks.


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