Monday, May 02, 2005

I Must Be Dreaming.

My life is finally getting better. The best it's been in the last 3 years. It's about fucking time. I came in to work bawling the other day. Happy crying. If you don't know, happy crying is the most idiotic thing on the planet. Only I couldn't stop. I finally got it. I get a second chance. Better get out all my kninks before hand. I always start all of my sad stories with "Once Upon a Time..." It makes them more bearable. My auto biography begins in "Once Upon a Time..." Only this time, my "Once Upon a Time..." is the best time in my life.

Once Upon a Time I got into school for opera singing. I loved singing more than life itself, more than my family, more than my friends, more than breathing. Then 2 weeks before I was supposed to leave I found out it was too expensive to go. Then came all the bad shit. I lost the love of my life. I was alone and abused, sleeping in a car with no electricity. I started dancing, and running around with a group of people scary enough to make sure no one would ever fuck with me. Then one dark night I thought I was going to be cut up into bits and left in a ditch. He did his worst, beat me up, and tossed me out. And I survived. I didn't tell anyone I just acted like a tornado. Until now.

They have a piano, I get to take voice lessons, and my dog can come. I get to fall in love with Opera, Plays, and books again. They don't think I'm crazy or a failure. I'm going to remember this forever. This is the day I got saved.


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